MVP Futurity, Derby & Open 5D Barrel Races
January 1st – 5th, 2025
FUTURITY - $7,500 Added - $500 Entry Fee
Late fee after December 18th - $50.00
Copy both sides of papers or verification of age (non-registered horses) must be downloaded on saddlebook with nominations.
DERBY (8 & under) - $2,000 Added - $200 Entry Fee
Late Fee after December 20th - $50.00
Copy both sides of papers or verification of age (non-registered horses) must be downloaded on saddlebook with nominations.
Buy out Fee $50.00 No Later than December 23rd, 2024
AMATEUR FUTURITY SIDEPOT - $250 Added – $150 Entry Fee
To enter the Amateur Class, you cannot have more than $1,000 lifetime Futurity winnings as of the date of the 1st Futurity payment. Carryover from Futurity.
OPEN 5D BARREL RACE - $12,000 Added - Entry Fee - $90 per day
Side Pots (optional) that carry to the open each day - $45 each day
Youth – rider is 0-17 as of 1/1/25
Senior – rider is 50 as of 1/1/25
Golden Horse – Horse that is 16+ years old
Green Horse – Horse that has not won over $2500 (EVER) & 8+ years old
Helmet – Currently wearing a helmet to run barrels
Hot Rod Race – Entry Fee $200
Open 4D 80% payback Futurity
You can carry your Hot Rod time on Thursday to the Open on Friday!
PEEWEE – Entry Fee $20
Is open to Cowboy or Cowgirl 10 and under – 85% payback
The horse they use in the Pee Wee race cannot be entered in the Open 5D race.
Please pre enter on saddlebook before 12/20/24.
FUTURITY is open to any horse that is a foal of 2020 or younger. ~ Owners do not have to ride horses, jockeys to be named by 12/15/24, at 5 PM. ~ Rider may ride more than one horse. $25 change fee per change (horse or rider swap)
FUTURITY ~ 2 Go Rounds and an Average.
2D Payoff – 1 Second Split, 70% of pot to 1D, and 30% of pot to 2D. ~ Payoff: 33% to each Go and 34% to Average. Number of places paid to be determined by number of entries.
DERBY (8 & under) ~ 2D – .75 Sec Split ~ 2 go rounds & average - 1D – 33% to each go and 34% to the average – number of places paid to be determined by number of entries.
Futurity/Derby entries may roll their time from 1st & 2nd Go of Futurity/Derby to the
Open 5D on Fri & Sat. To be in the Open average the horse would have to run on Sunday!
They can also carry your 1st go time on Wednesday to the Hot Rod Race on Thursday!
Dress Code – FULL Western attire everyday unless otherwise announced!